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How COVID-19 Changes the Way We Hear Music

As a worldwide pandemic broke out on 11 March, different sources of entertainment and television program had fallen like dominoes. Professional sports were being suspended (unless you’re a wrestler in Florida), release times were being delayed, and music festivals and tours were being delayed or cancelled. To learn about how COVID-19 changed the way we listen to music, we invite you to read this article.

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We began to dramatically change the way we consume our media when we entered a period of self-isolation. A lot of people started subscribing to Netflix, with almost 16 million new users. Music, however, hasn’t fared so well. Billboard announced that by the end-of-March album sales in the United States had fallen by 29 percent because of COVID-19. This is the lowest point of sale since such numbers began to be recorded in 1991, and Billboard claims that it may also be the lowest time since the 1960’s boom in sales.

Tours and concerts came to an end during this pandemic, leaving the artists very little opportunities to make money. Yet, as the paradigm of the mainstream music industry continues to collapse, artists have turned into a final resort in record numbers: social media.

Live streaming gaining recognition


Live streaming has boomed because of the COVID-19 pandemic across platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. Online audiences are seeing feedback from artists who were successful. Kevin O’Donnell, the Twitter music director, told Associated Press, “that the platform was never in this kind of room and that, because of the insane time of COVID-19 in which you live today, it’s really amazing how artists come together to find ways that bring their fans joy and comfort and happiness.”

Toronto rapper Tory Lanez started hosting a live DJ on the so-called Quarantine Fm, Instagram account every two days. His show became the most talked show during that time, with a few guests with surprises, including Justin Bieber and Drake. During the March 31st meeting, when Drake joined Lanez on his live stream, 310,000 people tuned to an Instagram public record. In front of the show, he frequently pulled up to 350,000 viewers north of 250,000 in mid-April.

The rise of Tik Tok


Music is a tiny part of Tik Tok ‘s job, but a rep from Tik Tok wrote over the email “it played an emotional position. TikTok is now a powerful advertising tool for the exploration of break-out songs, and it is a huge achievement for artists who have gotten a major break from the app. Songs and hashtags have become a twist on the building trends.”

Since COVID-19 struck, the number of people participating in multiple music challenges in isolation has risen significantly.

The typical traditional model of a music industry that depends on such aspects as selling and tours may be under pressure, but the potential of social networks to provide artists and consumers with instant, low-cost DIY alternatives seems ready for such obstacles.

To learn more about this topic, visit the original source content at the CBC website.

It would be fascinating to see how much more important social media, in particular live streaming, is for bands, as concerts and events are revived and the album sales and views (hopefully) are improved. This appears to be the only solution right now. Canyon Entertainment Group launched its virtual concert series to help people reach out to various artists and listen to their music. These virtual concerts have made it easier for fans to avoid going out in public during this COVID-19 situation and enjoy watching their favorite artists online. For more information, contact info(at)